Created an Algorithm and it seems to be working.
Record since 1/22/2024 28 - 14
5.0 Star - 9 - 4
4.5 Star - 7 - 5
4.0 star - 12 - 5
Weekly Record From Friday (2/9) to Thursday (2/15) 10 - 4 Plus 2. units
Picks for Today
5.0 Star - NYR
4.5 Star - Dallas
4.0 star - FL, PIT, Calgary
If you are looking for an upset, If Lyon starts for Detroit, might be worth a flyer. Algo on this matchup favors Vancouver, but it is very close.
Pit game looks to be a 3 to 2 game.
FL is not a 5 star because Buffalo has been defending very well since the break. Also, they had an away game last night.
Record since 1/22/2024 28 - 14
5.0 Star - 9 - 4
4.5 Star - 7 - 5
4.0 star - 12 - 5
Weekly Record From Friday (2/9) to Thursday (2/15) 10 - 4 Plus 2. units
Picks for Today
5.0 Star - NYR
4.5 Star - Dallas
4.0 star - FL, PIT, Calgary
If you are looking for an upset, If Lyon starts for Detroit, might be worth a flyer. Algo on this matchup favors Vancouver, but it is very close.
Pit game looks to be a 3 to 2 game.
FL is not a 5 star because Buffalo has been defending very well since the break. Also, they had an away game last night.